Now that you have started getting fresh chicken eggs it is time to learn how to correctly store them. The most exciting part of raising chickens for eggs is finding the first egg in the nesting box. You have finally reached what you have sought out to do. Storing fresh chicken eggs properly is really easy to do.
Ways to Store Fresh Eggs
You can store your eggs two different ways. At room temperature or in your refrigerator. Eggs have a natural protective coating, called bloom, on the shell. It is produced by the chicken during laying. The purpose of bloom is to help keep bacteria from entering the egg. The bloom also slows down moisture loss from the egg. This helps the egg last longer outside of refrigeration.

When the protective coating, the bloom, is washed off of the egg, the egg should be cooked immediately, or refrigerated. Once the coating is gone, bacteria can enter the egg. The egg can no longer be stored at room temperature after it has been washed.
Storing Eggs at Room Temperature
Eggs can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. After three weeks eggs they should be kept in the refrigerator. They will last for another 3 weeks in the refrigerator.
When storing eggs at room temperature you should not wash them until you are ready to use them. Use warm water to wash the eggs. Cold water can allow the pores in the eggshell to absorb any bacteria that may be on the surface. Gently wipe the egg clean and use immediately.

Storing Eggs in the Refrigerator
Once an egg has been refrigerated, it should remain refrigerated until ready to use. Unwashed eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 months. Once you are ready to use an unwashed egg, right after pulling it out of the refrigerator, wash and dry the egg and use immediately.
Washed eggs that are not going to be used immediately should ALWAYS be refrigerated. Once the bloom has been washed from the egg, the pores are open and able to absorb bacteria and lose moisture. Washed eggs are good for 3 months in the refrigerator.
How to Check for Freshness
Having a good rotation system helps with always using the first eggs you bring in. Using an egg skelter is a great way store your eggs in the right order. I love using the egg skelter since I keep my eggs on my kitchen counter. You can find many different types online.
If you are ever unsure of how old your eggs are you can easily test them to find out how fresh they are. When submerged in water, a fresh egg will always sink to the bottom and lay on its side. If it stands up and is still on the bottom it is fresh, it is just about a week or two old. If your egg floats to the surface it is not fresh and should not be used.

If you do not know how fresh your eggs are and do not want to float them, you can easily tell if one is bad by cracking it into a bowl. In a fresh egg the color of the egg white will be clear and there should be no smell. Trust me, if you crack a rotten egg, you will know. I know from experience.